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Hook Norton CLT launch Community Share Offer

Our friends in Hook Norton have launched their own Community Share Offer to fund the development of 12 climate-positive, community-owned homes, eight of which will be offered to locals at affordable rental rates. Our Chair, Mark Child, explains why he is investing:

“Hook Norton's Community Share Offer is an opportunity for supporters to stand in solidarity with those who have given so much time in getting the project this far. 
I can speak from experience when I say that our tenants who were in housing need are so thankful to everybody connected with our community land trust for the safe, secure and affordable homes that they now live in. Not only will they benefit, but so will those that come after them.
We live in a country that should ensure everyone is properly housed, but that is not happening and so I'm constantly in awe of people such as those involved with Hook Norton Community Land Trust that have taken matters into their own hands. I shall be investing and if you are unable, please do share the information with your network.”

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